Patrick McSweeney


Whose Side is That Guy On?

U.S. Sen. John Warner undercut the Republican Party -- again -- with remarks last week that Gov. Mark Warner construed as endorsing his tax-hike plans.


"Politics be damned!" So said U.S. Sen. John Warner as he offered his views on proposed tax increases at a Feb. 6 press conference at the state Capitol. But his appearance and comments were transparently political.

The senior U.S. senator, who has no peer when it comes to speaking in political platitudes, didn't actually endorse the proposed tax increases of either Gov. Mark Warner or state Senate Finance Committee Chairman John Chichester. In his meandering remarks, John Warner recommended tax hikes, fee increases and spending cuts or a combination of those options; nevertheless, the Mark Warner spin machine touted the remarks as an implicit endorsement of the governor's tax hike proposal.

This was not the unequivocal support for a tax increase that John Warner provided former Gov. Gerald L. Baliles in 1986 or Mark Warner in 2002. It may reflect his lack of grounding in matters of state finance, which is obvious and understandable.

It wasn't a careful study of the commonwealth's budget situation that prompted his trip to Richmond. Unlike his colleague, Sen. George Allen, Warner has no prior experience in preparing a state budget.

There were no thoughtful conversations on the subject between Sen. Warner and House Speaker William Howell, House Appropriations Committee Chairman Vince Callahan or Republican Party leaders before his press conference. As he has done repeatedly for decades, our senior senator bushwhacked his nominal party without bothering to consult in advance.

His appearance at the state Capitol came at the insistence of his principal political supporters and campaign contributors, who strongly back a massive state tax increase. He long ago burned his bridges to the GOP grassroots through a series of stick-in-the-eye actions, including twice undermining GOP candidates for statewide office, helping to form a third party in 1994, voting against a Republican president's Supreme Court nominee, and similar apostasies too numerous to list here.

In pressing state legislators to consider a tax hike, Sen. Warner was not only going against the official position of the Republican Party of Virginia, he was also undercutting the Bush tax-cut strategy. Massive tax hikes at the state level will effectively neutralize the positive economic impact of recent cuts in federal taxes, which have begun to stimulate a lagging national economy.

Sen. Warner's principal justification for supporting a tax hike was that Virginia might risk the closing of some military bases if schools, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure and services aren't properly maintained. He suggested that quality-of-life issues will factor into decisions as to which bases should be closed.

That argument is essentially the one he advanced in 1986 when the General Assembly agreed to the Baliles tax increase for roads. The resulting revenue infusion didn't relieve gridlock and, in the view of many, actually worsened Virginia's urban transportation problems. In 2002, voters in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads soundly rejected a similar argument after the two Warners, John and Mark, campaigned together urging support for sales tax hikes.

The more we listen to Sen. Warner, the more we come to understand the prevailing thought patterns in Washington. Too many in Congress assume that simply spending more money will improve the quality of life. A majority of Virginians don't share that view.

Fortunately, most of the members of the Virginia House of Delegates reflect the prevailing wisdom in this state. Quality of life also means restraining the hand of government, not letting it feed itself by constantly reaching deeper into the pockets of the people.


-- February 16, 2004




















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11 South Twelfth Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-6802
