Patrick McSweeney

FAQs About SOQs

Despite Democrats' claims, there is no state constitutional mandate to fully fund educational "standards of quality." 


Democrats flatly claim that the General Assembly faces a constitutional mandate to come up with an additional $500 million to $1 billion next session in order to fully fund Virginia’s Standards of Quality. It is their principal justification for proposing an increase in state taxes. This bold assertion needs to be examined critically and carefully.


First, the constitutional claim. The Constitution of Virginia says that “the General Assembly shall seek to ensure that an educational program of high quality is established and continually maintained.” The Constitution further provides that Standards of Quality must be determined by the State Board of Education, subject to revision by the General Assembly.


At no place in the Constitution is there a mandate that the General Assembly appropriate funds to meet standards set by an outside entity, even the State Board of Education. The final arbiter of what education standards will be applied in the Commonwealth’s public schools is the General Assembly itself. And the General Assembly retains the prerogative to determine how and when these standards will be funded.


There is a critical difference between funding targets for public schools and the quality of instruction they offer. The teachers’ unions have consistently attempted to blur this distinction, but the amount of money spent on public schools does not necessarily reflect the quality of education provided. If money were the measure, as U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige recently observed, the public schools in the District of Columbia would be among the best in the nation because the per capita spending on D.C. students ranks among the highest in the U.S.


Proponents of funding increases for Virginia’s public education that far exceed the rate of growth in Virginia’s economy don’t want to deal with the harsh reality that the public schools in relatively poor Highland County consistently turn out better prepared students than do the public schools in the cities of Richmond and Portsmouth, which spend far more per student than Highland County. The straight-line relationship between money and quality that the proponents of tax increases insist exists is readily refuted by experience in Virginia and around the nation.


The principal engine driving the SOQs is the amount of money projected for teachers’ salaries. Virginians can blindly fund targets for teacher compensation unrelated to educational achievement until the Commonwealth leads the nation in that category, but find that student achievement has not budged. That is the course followed in the District of Columbia.

The debate would more faithfully serve the interests of the children of Virginia if it focused instead on the real reasons for the lack of success in the Commonwealth’s weakest school divisions. It is much easier to blame the problem of under-achievement on a lack of funding.


Far more has been accomplished in Virginia in just a few years by establishing relatively ambitious Standards of Learning than by all the new spending added for public schools since 1980. Even these output-based standards — as opposed to the input-based SOQs — won’t be enough to assure true quality.


Competition is absolutely essential to making the kind of progress in education that Gov. Mark Warner, the Republican leadership in the General Assembly and, indeed, all Virginians want. Simply raising taxes and spending more money might make liberals feel better and temporarily quiet the teachers’ unions, but it’s no substitute for real improvement.


-- July 14, 2003


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