Patrick McSweeney

The Morning After

Jerry Kilgore is suffering repercussions from his fling with pro-abortion forces. His ruling on the  "morning after" pill may jeopardize his standing among pro-life Republicans.


The legal advice on distribution of the “morning after” pill provided to Virginia’s public colleges and universities on May 9 by a member of Attorney General Jerry Kilgore’s staff raised more questions than it answered and left Kilgore with a tough political decision. It also provoked a strong, negative response from many pro-life activists.


There aren’t enough moderate Republicans in Virginia to elect Kilgore or any other politician to statewide office. The GOP began to make its serious push to become the majority party in the Commonwealth only when it convinced cultural conservatives that the GOP would advance their agenda.


The principal elements of this expanded base are limited government advocates, gun owners and pro-lifers. Despite coming to the dance with these folks, far too many Republican elected officials don’t seem interested in going home with them. How quickly they forget about the fate of the first President Bush in 1992 and Mark Earley, the unsuccessful GOP candidate for governor in 2001.


Intensity in politics is a factor political scientists and campaign consultants understand. Polling that doesn’t take intensity into effect can be highly misleading. Kilgore runs the risk of turning off key elements of the Republican base. Political pundits already have announced that Kilgore has an unobstructed stroll to the GOP gubernatorial nomination in 2005. He’d better not get too comfortable.


Pro-lifers in particular have been disappointed by Kilgore’s apparent temporizing on matters of interest to them. The “morning after” pill advice is only the most recent example.


The May 9 legal memorandum on that subject was seen by many pro-lifers, especially Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William, as shallow and indefensible. It acknowledges that there are differing definitions of “pregnancy,” but without citing any cases, chooses a definition devised by abortionists on the grounds it would likely be adopted by a court reviewing the issue. What Kilgore’s team failed to note is that the Virginia Department of Health has adopted a quite different definition in written materials to be distributed to women under the informed consent statute.


According to the Health Department, pregnancy begins at fertilization of the ovum, not as Kilgore says at implantation of the “fertilized ovum” in the uterine wall. The Department followed the prevailing definition among scientists in human embryology.


To compound his problems, Kilgore’s team concluded that the informed consent statute does not apply to the “morning after” pill because the most conclusive test for pregnancy can be administered only after a fertilized ovum is implanted in the uterus. This requirement of verification, which is not mentioned in the statute, sent shock waves through the pro-life community.


If the informed consent statute (or the parental consent statute, for that matter) applies only after a physician verifies that a woman is pregnant, the obvious intent of the General Assembly would be frustrated. This “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule will eviscerate the consent statutes.


The consequences of the “morning after” pill memorandum apparently weren’t considered by the Kilgore team. Even if his legal analysis were unassailable, it puts Kilgore in a situation where he must either support legislation to close the gap his memorandum identifies (or creates) or do nothing.  The latter course will convince pro-lifers that he is not, and perhaps never has been, a principled opponent of abortion.


The political fallout will not be confined to the pro-life element of his base. Others who came to the GOP because of principle will wonder if Kilgore’s word can be trusted.


May 26, 2003


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