Patrick McSweeney

False Choice

Many politicians assume the state has only two choices to balance the budget: raise taxes or  cut programs. They ignore the option of changing the way government does business.

The drumbeat to raise taxes continues in Virginia, even though a lot of Virginians clearly oppose the idea. The most frequently heard proposal is to increase taxes on alcohol and tobacco. Several localities have already raised their cigarette tax substantially.

Gov. Mark R. Mark Warner and the General Assembly must close a budget gap of approximately $1 billion.  Sin taxes won’t do that.

Elected officials are making their task more and more difficult by taking one after another area of state spending off the cutting table. Among the protected items are public education, state employees and the funding for the local car tax rollback. College presidents are demanding that higher education spending not be cut.

When state government spends at the rate of $25 billion a year, it shouldn’t be so difficult to make the budget adjustment required. One of the reasons for the difficulty is the lack of flexibility in budgeting.  Some inflexibility is the result of federal mandates.  Much of it is not in the form of legal restraint, but rather political limitations that elected officials impose on themselves.

One of the factors driving state spending increases is Medicaid, which rose 13 percent last year. This joint federal-state program, now the second largest area of state spending, is simply out of control. That does not mean it is uncontrollable.

Addressing the current budget gap also would be easier if elected officials and bureaucrats were more flexible in developing solutions, particularly through innovative methods of achieving the same program objective at lower cost. Private firms that fail to demonstrate this kind of flexibility find themselves in bankruptcy. Government doesn’t operate with the same imperative.

The most troubling aspect of the current budget debate is that many elected officials and commentators assume that there are only two options — increase taxes or cut programs. They ignore the option of radically changing the way Virginia government functions to achieve more with less.

Some of the potential changes can’t be implemented immediately. Some can. What shouldn’t be tolerated is a refusal by state officials to consider a radical change to existing programs because particular interest groups would oppose the change or because the Commonwealth has handled a program in a certain way for decades.

The hard reality of the current economic slowdown should prompt questions that may never have been seriously entertained before. We are already asking whether the Commonwealth should sell its liquor stores. We should question whether Virginia state government should reduce its role in other areas as well.

If we focus on precisely what we want to accomplish in each area of current state spending, we might find that some expensive programs could be replaced with a few inexpensive websites. Agencies with offices scattered across Virginia dealing directly with the public might accomplish the same objective through the mail, by telephone or by the Internet if the public were properly advised of those alternatives.

The presidents of Virginia’s state-supported institutions of higher education, in general, resist any suggestion that they can meet their responsibilities without constant increases in state aid. That attitude must be challenged. Higher education in the future will not resemble what exists today. Traditional institutions must learn to compete not only against each other, but also against innovative alternatives such as Internet universities and non-traditional methods of providing post-secondary education.

American businesses are dramatically changing to adapt to technological advances that enhance efficiency. Government is less likely to adapt unless it is pushed.

Now isn’t the time for incrementalism. Now is the time for bold thinking.

-- December 23, 2002

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