Patrick McSweeney

The Power of Symbols
Republicans appropriate state funds to paint Vance Wilkins' portrait. The governor cuts the traditional Capitol Christmas tree. Who looks to you like they're serious about dealing with the budget?


In politics, symbols count. Ask Michael Dukakis, who was defeated by George the Elder in the 1988 presidential election in large part because of potent symbolism -- his lack of enthusiasm for the Pledge of Allegiance, for instance, and a photo of him in an Army tank.


That lesson obviously hasn’t been learned by the Republican leaders in the Virginia House of Delegates.  They have decided to spend $6,000 in taxpayer funds on a portrait of former House Speaker Vance Wilkins.


It doesn’t help that Wilkins was forced out of that position last June after charges surfaced that he had made improper advances to a woman in Amherst County. The fact that he left office under pressure doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be recognized for his service as Speaker. It simply makes the case for using public funds for his portrait during a severe budget crisis all the more difficult for the House Republicans to carry.


It took little time for Democrats to make hay out of the decision by the House GOP leadership. Delegate Brian Moran of Alexandria, who chairs the House Democratic Caucus, told reporters that the expenditure for the Wilkins portrait was “an inappropriate use of taxpayer money, considering the cloud over his head.” The chairman of the Democratic Party of Virginia, Lawrence Framme, chimed in that if each Republican legislator contributed $68.18, the portrait could be acquired privately.


The Majority Leader of the House, Morgan Griffith, took the bait. He argued that $6,000 really isn’t a lot of money and, besides, the last Democrat who served as Speaker was honored with a $6,300 portrait paid for by the taxpayers. Other House Republicans justified the spending because of the longstanding tradition of using public funds for the purpose.


Just days later, Governor Mark Warner took a symbolic action of his own that put tradition in its proper place and made the House Republican leadership appear indifferent to the budget pressures state government now confronts. Warner decided not to erect a Christmas tree on the South Portico of the State Capitol. This spared taxpayers approximately $16,000.

The paltry sum of $16,000 would hardly be missed in annual state expenditures of more than $25 billion.  That’s not the point, especially when Virginians are being asked to endure unprecedented sacrifices to balance the state budget.


As a consequence of these two symbolic actions, Republicans come across as blindly bound to custom, while Warner is seen putting the taxpayers’ interest ahead of tradition. He couldn’t have helped Virginia Democrats more if he had contributed $1 million of his own fortune to a Democratic public relations campaign to portray Democrats as more fiscally conservative than Republicans.


The governor will submit his budget to the General Assembly on December 20. This is an enormous political challenge, perhaps as imposing a test as any governor has faced.


The GOP-dominated General Assembly faces the same test. At the moment, it seems overwhelmed. How the GOP leaders in the House have handled a $6,000 decision doesn’t inspire confidence that they can properly handle the major budget decisions to come.

It would not be surprising if the public memory of the Wilkins portrait and the absence of a Christmas tree on the Capitol’s South Portico is stronger and more lasting than the memory of all the other and arguably more momentous budget decisions made at the 2003 session of the General Assembly.

-- December 16, 2002

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