Patrick McSweeney

Confused and Cynical


Voters have every reason to be disenchanted with political parties that articulate no consistent principles or agendas.


Since Election Day, Democrats at the national level have moved sharply left. Virginia Democrats, meanwhile, are trying to get to the right of Republicans.


Or are they?


Lawrence H. Framme, III, who chairs the Democratic Party in Virginia, has been lashing out at GOP elected officials as big spenders, but he also wants his party to be seen as more compassionate than the GOP.


Framme’s ploy is reminiscent of the Dems’ media event a couple of years ago in front of the Harry F. Byrd, Sr. statue in Capitol Square where they claimed to be the true and rightful heirs of Byrd, the very embodiment of fiscal restraint. At the same time, they attacked the GOP for a lack of compassion because Republicans in the General Assembly were proposing spending cuts.


All of this leaves the voters confused or cynical — or both. Just what is the agenda of the Virginia Democratic Party? According to Framme, the party’s mission is to return Virginia government to its core values, which transcend partisan politics and bring us back to the great commandment — service to the people. That’s hardly an agenda.


And where is the Republican Party? It, too, has no clear agenda.


Platitudes don’t amount to a program. Both parties owe the voters a clear agenda. In our republican form of government, the choice of the policy direction the Commonwealth should take is left to the electorate.  That opportunity to choose is lost when the parties fail in their most important responsibility — to articulate an agenda.


It’s no mystery why more and more voters consider themselves unattached to either of the two major parties. Without a clash of competing political agendas, these voters are left to choose the “better candidate” on election day. This kind of politics leaves elected officials with no clear guidance from the voters. It produces the kind of cynicism and mistrust we wallow in today.


Coherence and accountability are impossible without responsible political parties. Voters will never exercise control over the most important decisions without such parties.


Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Taylor came to understand this political principle at the inception of the Republic. Each of these Virginians initially considered parties a menace, but each came to realize that strong parties were essential to the functioning of government and politics.


Even a legislature composed of the most virtuous will not assure accountability and coherence. To provide the voters with a real choice, there must be an agenda for them to accept or reject. When parties are healthy, candidates are chosen to advance or oppose an agenda. Once elected, officials can be judged in light of their support or opposition to that agenda, not in a vacuum or in relation to less important or even irrelevant factors.


Republicans at the national level and Democrats in Virginia are blind to the potential appeal of a Democratic Party that dares to stand for something other than platitudes. So frustrated are the voters with power politics, incumbent protection and a lack of leadership that a coherent message might galvanize voters who have lost faith that politics has a higher purpose.


A Democratic Party with a bold, liberal agenda would surely fare no worse in future elections than the one that just got whipped. During the 2002 campaign, President Bush managed to nationalize the congressional elections. Whether his agenda was a good one or not, it was the only one the voters understood. That trumps a vacuum every time.

-- November 25, 2002


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