Patrick McSweeney


Flawed Assumptions


Gov. Warner is dealing forthrightly with a budget crisis he didn't create. Next, he should address the underlying cause: bad revenue forecasts.


Let’s give Gov. Mark Warner credit. In his October 15 televised address, he discharged his budget responsibility forthrightly and on camera where every Virginian could watch and listen.


Warner could have simply sent a statement to the news media. He could have agonized over his budget cuts for weeks or months. He could have passed the buck to the General Assembly by calling a special session. But he did none of those things. That’s the plus side.


On the negative side, Warner shares blame along with his predecessor, Gov. Jim Gilmore, and the General Assembly for projecting revenues for the 2002-2004 biennium that were far too high. Admittedly, no one could have foreseen with precision what the economy would do after the General Assembly adjourned.  That’s the very reason why revenue projections should have been more restrained.


With all of Warner’s talk about structural budget problems, it really comes down to how revenues are forecast. Governors and the General Assembly’s money committees seem averse to using forecasts that assume any significant slowdown in economic activity. It’s as if such an assumption would be seen as a lack of confidence in the Virginia economy and would somehow actually contribute to an economic slowdown.


State government can follow one of two courses. It can continue to operate with overly optimistic assumptions about the economy and respond to periodic and inevitable slowdowns with either painful budget cuts or tax increases. The other course is to adopt more conservative economic assumptions regardless of how extraordinarily well the economy is performing at the time the budget is finalized.

Warner cut the budget this month because the economy wasn’t performing as he and the General Assembly had planned just months earlier. Whenever the economy stalls, state revenue is likely to drop below the amount needed to cover authorized state spending.


The Virginia Constitution and state statute require the governor to reduce state spending whenever it becomes apparent that state revenues won’t be received as originally projected. That’s one reason why Virginia continues to be among the best managed states in the nation and blessed with a triple-A credit rating.


It’s better to avoid budget shortfalls altogether than to be forced to make the kind of severe spending cuts Warner announced last week. Even more painful cuts must be made by the General Assembly early next year unless the economy rebounds dramatically in the meantime.


Much of this unanticipated pain could have been averted if our elected officials had resisted the urge to spend every penny they thought the Commonwealth might collect over the ensuing two years. It’s a matter of discipline.


Unfortunately, that kind of discipline isn’t likely to be exercised without a constitutional amendment that forces elected officials to project revenues more cautiously. Without existing constitutional restraints -- the governor and General assembly must balance the state budget and go to voters for approval of state-supported debt -- Virginia’s financial position would surely be worse.


The state budget will be balanced. The Constitution leaves no other option. The question is whether the structural budget problem will be dealt with so that the commonwealth can avert similar crises in the future.


There is no better time than right now to begin the process of amending the Constitution to mandate the use of conservative revenue projections.


-- October 21, 2002  








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McSweeney & Crump

11 South Twelfth Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 783-6802
