Patrick McSweeney


The House Has the Upper Hand


Anti-tax forces in the House of Delegates have one big advantage in the battle over tax reform: Governor Warner has not come close to exhausting all opportunities to cut spending.


Prominent political and business leaders in Virginia have argued that the Commonwealth needs a huge tax hike to avoid falling further behind neighboring states, especially North Carolina. According to these folks, the business climate is enhanced by raising state taxes. Go figure.


Meanwhile, North Carolina is seriously considering cutting taxes this year to improve its business climate and to encourage growth in state employment. Unlike Virginia, North Carolina did lose its triple A credit rating briefly in 2002, a year after raising taxes, but North Carolina then addressed the real cause of its financial problems — excessive spending during the 1990s. Virginia gained its reputation for fiscal discipline the hard way. Controlling state spending was once an obsession with Virginia’s business and political leaders. Now they can’t be bothered.


Despite the fact that state spending is projected to continue rising at a rate greater than the rate of inflation, population growth and expansion of the state’s economy, there is no serious effort to bring that spending pressure under control.


How has this happened?


One reason is that the interests pushing for more spending have lobbyists who plead their case relentlessly. The Virginia Education Association has 44 registered lobbyists in Richmond. Colleges and universities have representatives roaming the Capitol offering honorary degrees and free tickets to football games, while painting a picture of doom and gloom unless taxpayers cough up at least another $1.2 billion over the next biennium.


When the House of Delegates proposed eliminating tax exemptions for companies such as Dominion Resources, U.S. Airways, CSX, Norfolk & Southern and Verizon, no fewer than 30 highly paid lobbyists descended to oppose the idea. When the Virginia Chamber of Commerce testified on Gov. Mark R. Warner’s proposed tax hike, it enthusiastically supported elements of his plan that would raise taxes on individuals, but vigorously opposed Warner’s proposed elimination of tax breaks for businesses.


This is not to say that these interests shouldn’t be represented. But who represents the average taxpayer who can’t afford to take time off from a job to come to Richmond to protect his or her interests?

It has become easier for the governor and many of our legislators to say yes to a tax increase than to say no to lobbyists demanding more state spending.

Government tends to be far less efficient than private businesses. So as the state budget expands, the accretion of government builds. Eliminating waste is a constant battle.


Governor Warner decided during 2003 that he would focus on raising taxes rather than streamlining government and cutting state spending.  Notwithstanding his claims about introducing efficiencies, he has done relatively little.


Streamlining state government in the first two years of his term would have weakened Warner’s case for a $1 billion or higher tax increase. If he gets a huge tax hike, he can spend the remaining portion of his term trimming the budget to fund new program initiatives or expansions of old programs.


Republicans can’t afford to let Warner have his cake and eat it, too.


The GOP-controlled House of Delegates has an opportunity to put the governor on terms and deny him the high ground when he uses his veto power or his prerogative to call the General Assembly back into a special session in an attempt to force legislators to approve higher taxes. The House can insist that Warner show how he exhausted every opportunity to balance the budget without a $1 billion tax increase.

Warner can’t do it.


-- March 1, 2004




















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McSweeney & Crump

11 South Twelfth Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-6802
