Guest Column

James Atticus Bowden


Tax Scam


Virginia could end up with "compromise" tax reform amounting to $1 billion in tax increases. But 12 pro-tax GOP senators should beware come election time: Elephants never forget.


Twelve Republicans in Virginia’s Senate helped pass a $2.6 billion tax increase. Last week, Republicans in the House of Delegates defeated that monster and the Democrat governor’s $1.0 billion tax increase. Now the issue goes to closed committee meetings where the tax masters hope the compromise between $0 and $2.6 billion turns out to be $1.0 billion.


What will it take to help the House negotiators hold new taxes at "zero" in secret committee and again in a special session in the spring? Maybe the past can speak to the present.


In early 2002 the overwhelming majorities of both parties, their lobbyists, their business community buddies and all the media celebrated the Transportation Tax Referendums for Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads. Few citizens protested as the bills flew through the General Assembly. The war chest for selling the tax was millions. The polls looked good.


But, then a terrible thing happened. Citizens and a handful of legislators stood up against all the politicians, the power, the money, and the media. These nobodies did their homework on the details. Like the opponents of Hillary Healthcare in ‘94, they got the tax out in the open sunlight – and it immediately began to rot and stink. It was the wrong tax, for the wrong plan, for the wrong unelected regional government.


The high-priced media campaign spun nice numbers about how wonderful the sales tax would be. The grassroots activists spoke the whole truth -– from the detailed analysis -- at every public forum. The more Virginians saw the facts, the less they liked the tax. On the Peninsula, we “gnats’” were outspent $2.2m to $40k. Yet, the great Transportation Tax Referendum was soundly defeated in NoVa and crushed in Hampton Roads.


Only three Republicans rose to challenge the Tax cheerleaders in ’03 primaries. Incumbents prevailed, running as low-tax, fiscal conservatives. The voters took their word as Virginia gentlemen. Now, Sen. John H. Chichester, R-Stafford (the R = Raise your tax 2.6 times the Dems!) and his 11 little helpers in the Virginia Senate think they’re bullet proof.


The Virginia Tax Scam for ’04 is bigger than ’02. The peasants (voters) won’t raise their own taxes but, when sold a bill of goods -- “John Chichester has been a top leader in the fight to reduce your taxes” -- it appears they will re-elect any incumbent. Now the pro-tax politicians are going for the biggest tax increase in Virginia history.


They plan to increase income taxes with the new progressive rates on the income tax from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto (and our IRS code) instead of a fair, flat tax. Increase sales and gas taxes. Tax cigarette smokers. Give a break to relieve the whole car tax and expect the simpleton voters to kiss rings. Talk about the schools’ “Standards of Quality” but don’t explain what unbelievable spending that really is. Call the Republican Party leaders who oppose taxes names to marginalize them. The media will help.


If the House of Delegates, who faces the voters in ’05, hang tough, we will have a dramatic budget stalemate in the spring. The governor will “shut down” the government. It worked for Clinton in ’95. It can work again, right?


Except, this is Virginia. The Good People, the citizens cited in the preamble to our Virginia Constitution, will get the facts sooner or later. Uh-oh.


Like, the average family personal income will increase about 4 percent this year. State income, even without a tax increase, will go up 7 percent. Gov. Mark Warner wants to add $1 billion and Sen. Chichester $2.6 billion on top of 7 percent growth to the state treasury! Let’s pretend the tax increase only costs you, good Virginian, $10 out of pocket expenses. Okay, what are you going to give up? Name your personal sacrifice for more taxes. If it is more like $1,000, then what will you give up?


If folks want to pay more taxes voluntarily in Virginia they may. How much extra have Mark Warner and John Chichester paid? None. Yet they demand you grow government twice as fast as your family income. Their greed for your money ignores the fact that taxes kill jobs. Loss of jobs lowers tax revenues. Loss of jobs hurts everyone’s income. They don’t get it and they will never have to – as long as they are unaccountable to their party and at the polls.


This spring every Republican Committee Chairmanship in the Commonwealth is open for election. Fifty-five per cent of the Good People of Virginia vote Republican. Let them show up at the party elections – read the notices in the newspaper or find out online ( Those who want to increase taxes by $2.6 billion should bring a piece of yellow paper as their issue identification. Those who want to hold the line on taxes should bring a blue piece of paper. Let’s see who is the Republican Party of Virginia – the people who are yellow or true blue to the Virginia Republican creed.


Virginia Delegates, stand tall on no new taxes. Republicans who raise taxes will reap the whirlwind. The same Virginia voters, who shouted in ’02, will speak in the primaries and in the general election in ‘05. And for 12 dear Virginia Senators, they’ll be back in ’07. Mark your calendar.


-- February 16, 2003




















James Atticus Bowden has specialized in inter-

disciplinary, long-range "futures" studies for more than a decade. He is employed by a Defense Department contractof for the Future Combat Systems. A 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy, he is a retired Army Infantry Officer. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds two elected Republican Party positions in Virginia.

Mr. Bowden's e-mail address is: