William J. Howell


FROM: House Republican Leadership


DATE: December 31, 2003


RE: Member participation in Mandatory Assessment Program


Protecting and increasing the Republican majority in the House of Delegates is a priority for us all.  We have accomplished a tremendous amount in the last 10 years, including the abolition of parole, welfare reform, a total rewrite of the juvenile justice laws, car tax relief, and SOL accountability reforms which are raising student achievement, and so much more.  We also totally revamped the way the House of Delegates operates by reducing the number and size of committees, and producing efficiencies and fairness where they did not exist under Democrats. Our majority, however, will only continue if we are willing to work together for it.  Having served for a while now, we would never want Virginia to go back to the days we experienced under the Democrats when we first got into the House of Delegates.  This past election, we lost three seats.  Looking ahead, we must play offense to expand our majority.  Standing still is a formula for losing more seats.

In the last election, certain members answered and even went beyond the call of duty.  For example, the Speaker raised over $700,000 in his Dominion Leadership Trust PAC.  And two committee chairs and several freshmen members raised over $25,000.  At the same time, however, we had many senior members who gave less than $1000 to our Republican candidates in the 2003 legislative elections.  In next year’s election cycle, things will only get tougher.  Here are a few reasons why:  (1) We have at least 61 seat to defend, which makes for a challenging assignment; (2) The recent Democrat pick-up of three seats will only embolden them and their desire to regain the majority; (3) We do not just want to defend Republican seats, but also challenge more Democrats where it makes the most sense; (4) For the first time in almost a decade, Republicans do not have a governor from our party helping to raise money for us; (5) Governor Warner has shown a proven ability to raise money, and no doubt will use it against us, once again, in the 2005 elections; (6) Changes to campaign finance laws mean that once valuable types of contributions from federal election committees and office holders are no longer available for state legislative races; and (7) We no longer have a Republican National Chairman from Virginia.
While not insurmountable, these changes and challenges are ones that we must meet and overcome.  Finding themselves in similar circumstances, Republicans in the U. S. House of Representatives a while back instituted a very successful program whereby incumbents are required to contribute to a central fund.  The money in this central fund is then used to assist vulnerable incumbents, target open seats, and challenge vulnerable Democrats.  The underlying principle is clear:  having every congressman in the House Republican Conference participate—whether running opposed or unopposed—reinforces the fact that each and every member of the majority party has a stake in the elections’ final and overall outcome.  The more we learned about this initiative, the more interested we became in it.  Our friends in Congress find it every effective.  We, too, see a lot of merit and potential in the program as well as mutual benefits for us all.
After a lot of discussion about how such a program might be designed for our circumstances, we have developed and agreed to implement a modified version of this initiative.
Recognizing that the Virginia House of Delegates is different from the U. S. House of Representatives, we’ve made some important changes.  The new program is outlined on the attached 1-page overview.  We’ve discussed this program generally on a prior occasion.  But should you now have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We welcome and appreciate your contribution to this shared effort.
Member Participation in Mandatory Assessment Program 

The “central fund” for the House Republican Caucus’ Mandatory Assessment Program is the Dominion Leadership Trust PAC.  The Speaker’s Pac has eight Caucus members who serve on the Board of Directors and who routinely participate in making funding decisions.  This creates shared accountability and is purposefully designed to ensure that all Caucus members have the fullest confidence that the money being raised through this initiative will be well spent.
Universal participation is out goal, so this program is mandatory.  For this program to be most effective, it is essential that all Caucus members do their part.  Remember, every Republican member of the House of Delegates has a vested interest in this program’s success and our continuing in the majority.
Participation in this new program provides fairness.  It is clear that some members have greater fundraising ability by virtue of their seniority, committee assignments, districts, etc.  Therefore, common sense dictates setting participation thresholds at reasonable levels.  Participation levels for each member are defined as follows over the next two years.
Leadership: $40,000

Committee Chairs: $30,000

Members who’ve served more than 8 years: $20,000

Members who’ve served between 2 and 8 years: $10,000

Members who’ve served less than 2 years: $5,000

Meeting these requirements incorporates flexibility by allowing each member to contribute at least 25% of the applicable amount designated above to the Speaker’s PAC.  And each member may designate the remaining 75% to a targeted candidate or candidates of that member’s choosing—so long as the targeted candidate or candidates are in competitive races.
The 25% contribution to the Speaker’s PAC is due before the end of the first year of the biennium (i.e., no later than December 31, 2004).
The 75% balance to targeted candidates is due before Labor Day of the second year of the biennium (i.e., no later than September 1, 2005
With everyone’s full participation, this program will generate over $1.0 million for Republican incumbents and challengers in the 2005 campaigns for the Virginia House of Delegates.
This Mandatory Assessment Program is effective January 1, 2004 to help ensure that our entire Caucus is well positioned and well prepared for success in the November 2005 elections.
Any questions about this program, its intent, applicability or implementation, are to be directed to the House Republican Leadership (Speaker, Majority Leader, Caucus Chair& Majority Whip) for resolution.

Posted: January 6, 2004


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