Guest Column

James Atticus Bowden




Real Racial Profiling


Some politicians want to confer tribal status upon Virginia's eastern Indians. Such a designation would create a race-classification system reminiscent of Jim Crow.


There’s no danger of Indians murdering families on the bloody frontier anymore – that ended before 1800. The threat in Virginia today comes from feel-good politicians sponsoring legislation to grant six Virginia Indian tribes official recognition by the U.S. government.


The bill is supposed to be salve old racial insults. But federal tribal status represents the worst of racial politics, creating a blood census, race-based special privileges, a new level of government, and an open door for “businesses” that are illegal for all other Virginians.


Hard-core conservative Republicans stand by bleeding-heart liberal Democrats supporting the Virginia Indian Bill in the U.S. Congress. Why not? Virginia’s Indians are wonderful citizens – good Christians and strong conservatives. They just want a piece of pride. But Virginia needs to find another way to honor their heritage – one that does not damage and dishonor the Commonwealth.


Virginia’s eastern Indians began assimilating in 1700. Their descendants are true Virginians and indistinguishable from their neighbors. Federal recognition of Virginia’s Indian tribes would resurrect the disgraceful race classification of the Jim Crow era, when segregationist government bureaucrats labeled Virginia’s eastern Indians either white or black. Federal recognition of the tribes would require a new census to identify citizens who are at least one-eighth Indian.


Virginia’s Indian tribes won state recognition in 1983, but the designation didn’t come with any special, privileges. Federal recognition means that Virginia’s Indians will be able to open gambling casinos, even though today’s Indian leaders disavow any intention of doing so. Virginia voters have rejected riverboat gambling by huge margins: This is the back door for gambling – sooner or later.


The day the bill is passed, an Indian can open a state and federal ‘tax-free’ alcohol, tobacco and you-name-it store in Virginia. Read the law. Unfair business advantage, based on race, will cheat the governments of taxes everyone else pays.


The six Indian tribes become sovereign governments with which local, state and federal governments will contend on every issue of public policy – education, environment, land/water use, law enforcement and development. Virginians rejected regional governments by a two-to-one margin in 1998. With recognition, a new government, based on race, will rule with real authority.


Educational benefits, based on race, are handed out by the federal government. Why do Virginia Indians need or want welfare in any form? How is the Indian situation different from that of their neighbors? 

Since when do Republicans want to increase welfare, expand government, provide special privileges and benefits? How can anyone in good, conservative conscience support group identity and rights over individual rights? How can any Virginian advocate anything being done as a condition of race and race alone?


Race-based, group rights are repugnant. How can anyone advocate special rights for eastern Indians and deny reparations for blacks? The only moral reasoning that works is to reject race-based identity and group rights.


Virginians should tell their Congressional delegation to vote ‘No’ to race-based public policy. It’s right hearted and wrong headed. Indians should be honored for their heritage but not awarded anything for the accident of race by birth. My wife is one-sixteenth Indian (wrong tribe) and she, her mother (1/8th), and grandmother (1/4th) never deserved, expected nor wanted special privileges based on their birth. They earned their way in life – just like everybody else. Let’s keep it that way.


-- May 26, 2003



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James Atticus Bowden is a ‘futurist’ for a Defense corporation. He is a retired U.S. Army Infantry Officer and a graduate of the United States Military Academy, Harvard and Columbia Universities.

Mr. Bowden's e-mail address is: