Patrick McSweeney


Shades of Francis Nicholson

Like the power-hungry royal governor of old, Gov. Tim Kaine seems willing to misuse the powers of his office. But his budget brinksmanship could backfire.


Virginia history is stamped with the painful experience of life under the autocratic rule of royal governors during the colonial period. That experience contributed to the break with Great Britain and the adoption of the Virginia Declaration of Rights in 1776.


The worst of the royal governors was undoubtedly Francis Nicholson, who began serving as governor general in 1698, after having served as lieutenant governor from 1690. He was given to threats of retribution against anyone who opposed him, but it was his repeated arrogation of power that most offended the colonists.


Nicholson claimed authority to select clergymen and give them life appointments over the objections of vestrymen. He tried to take control of the militia from the Council established by the charter of the Virginia Company of London in 1606. When that failed, he organized his own military force to supersede the Virginia militia.


There are obvious parallels between Nicholson’s actions and those of Governor Timothy Kaine, but the comparison should not be pressed too far. Kaine is not a Nicholson. And yet, his words and actions to date raise concerns about future misuse of the powers of his office. When Kaine’s nominee to be the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Daniel LeBlanc, was rejected by the House of Delegates in March, the Governor angrily responded that the rejection would complicate efforts to reach a compromise on the state budget for the next biennium, although the two matters are unrelated.


Kaine has plainly followed through on that threat. In recent days, he has said that he will assert broad executive powers to prevent a shutdown of state government in the absence of agreement on a state budget before July 1. Some legislators insist that the governor has no such powers.


The Virginia Constitution provides that no money can be paid out of the state treasury unless authorized by an appropriation made by the General Assembly. It would be a strange development indeed if a governor could deliberately contribute to a budget impasse, as Kaine is now doing, and then invoke extraordinary executive power to avert the consequences of that impasse.


The only responsible course for Kaine is to prevent the budget impasse from occurring at all. He should push the Senate to separate its transportation tax proposal from the state budget, as the Constitution clearly requires. Also, he could urge the General Assembly to enact legislation that extends the current spending authorization under the 2004-2006 appropriations act until there is agreement on a new state budget.


As I noted in a previous column, a pattern of delayed action on the adoption of a state budget will undoubtedly have a negative effect on Virginia’s prized credit rating. New York and California, for example, have experienced a downgrading from rating agencies because of similar experience. In 2004, a former New York State Comptroller pointed to his state’s history of late budget adoption as a major factor in the rating agencies’ decisions to downgrade New York’s bond rating.


What Kaine and a majority of senators are doing with their budget gamesmanship is not only a violation of the single object rule of the Constitution, but also a reckless ploy designed to force the House of Delegates to agree to another massive tax increase. The Senate tax proponents are hoping that the voters will blame the House for the hardships that will accompany a government shutdown.


Kaine seems to relish the prospect that the budget impasse will continue so that, despite his complicity, he can play the bold leader willing to expand the Constitution to avert the impact of a government shutdown.


-- May 15, 2006










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(804) 783-6802



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