Guest Column

Blue Dog Tales




Hereby Let It Be Resolved...


The Blue Dog dispenses advice and wisdom.


President George Bush: Authorize the National Security Agency to listen to the Psychic Hotline phones for homeland-security advice.


Vice President Dick Cheney: Trade in the iPod for lessons in humility and reasons for serving in public office.


Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean: Stop your political rhetoric and the defeatist remarks, and please start supporting the troops in Iraq.


Congressman Tom DeLay: It's your last chance to use the get-out-of-jail-free card.


U.S. Sen. John Warner: Wake up, and smell the Ben Gay on your brain...


U.S. Rep. Bob Goodlatte: Stop wasting time, and halt the invasion of illegal immigrants in Virginia


U.S. Sen. George Allen: Run Coach, Run! For U.S. president...


Virginia Gov. Mark Warner: Bleached-blonde governors never fade, they just dye away playing second fiddle to Hilary Clinton!


Former governor Jim Gilmore: Running for U.S. Senate? "Oooh, come on Jimbo, quit pulling our legs!"


Republican lieutenant-governor nomination candidate Sean Connaughton: Run Sean, Run! For U.S. Senate.


Former Virginia attorney general Jerry Kilgore: Write a book. Suggested title: I Could Have Been a Contender.


Gov.-elect Tim Kaine: Don't mollycoddle about and become diagnosed as another attention-deficit- disorder Democrat!


Lt. Gov.-elect Bill Bolling: Lieutenant governors are powerless other than presiding over the Senate. It's time for conservative leader to break the mold and rule the unruly Republican roost of tax-hikers and nanny-state lovers.


Sen. John H. Chichester, R-Stafford: Absolutely not! No way, no how - to any Virginia transportation tax hikes!


Attorney General Bob McDonnell: Conservative social values need to defended and become the law of the land.


Sen. Emmett Hanger, R-Mount Solon: If you join the tax-and-spend Democratic Party, the Blue Dog will become a Republican.


Sen. Mark Obenshain, R-Harrisonburg: Library porn-filter legislation is paramount - protect our children.


Virginia GOP chair Kate Obenshain Griffin: Keep on smiling! Denial is a good thing in politics.


Del. Robert G. Marshall, R-Prince William: Hire ex-delegate Dick Black as your legislative aide.


Del. Steve Landes, R-Weyers Cave: Keep the 'Pub House troops in control, because more legislation is not better.


Del. Ben Cline, R-Rockbridge: "Cut Fish or Bait" - and start first by eliminating state-government spending.


Del. Chris Saxman, R-Staunton: Run Chris, Run! For statewide office.


Del. Matt Lohr, R-Harrisonburg: Club those liberal baby seals in the General Assembly!


Virginia Department of Environmental Quality: The wholesale retirements and resignations of many self-interested bureaucrats working in the department is long overdue.


Virginia Department of Transportation (a.k.a The Bottomless Pit): Privatize the third-largest state-maintained highway system in the country.


Blogflogging Lowell Feld: Change the name of the web log to


Local city and county government officials: Advocate a forward-thinking and visionary Rail Solution, not the Halliburton-STAR Solutions bureaucratic consortium for I-81, and start preserving our quality of life.


Virginia Republican Party: Rebuild and retool the conservative leg of the Republican Party before it's too late.


Virginia Democratic Party: Appoint the disappointed attorney-general candidate, Creigh Deeds, as the next party chairman - he's a good person.


Blue Dog Tales columnist Steve Sisson: Hope for the nest! It's the family motto.


-- January 16, 2006











Steven Sisson is a fiscally conservative, Mountain-Valley Democrat, party activist, columnist and serious amateur genealogist. His work is published in the Augusta Free Press  

His e-mail address is:



Read his profile and back columns here.