Guest Column

Blue Dog Tales



Walk in the Park II


Jerry Kilgore and Russ Potts will blog with the Blue Dog -- why won't Tim Kaine?


Several reporters noted seeing Russ Potts campaign signs for the first time at last week's Labor Day parade in Buena Vista. Potts had a small but effective army of volunteers on the scene.


Sen. Potts told the Blue Dog with a big smile and hearty handshake, "I'm blogging with you."


Potts said, "I've read your columns in the past, and don't agree with you on the issues, especially taxes. But that's what makes America great."


Oh, I agree, Mr. Potts.


The Blue Dog has never met Potts or heard him speak in the public arena. He's a short guy, but has a big heart and booming voice.


When Potts went up on stage and began his thunderous speech and finger pointing, the Blue Dog thought, "Is Potts the second coming of the 'little hand-grenade with a bad haircut', aka Ross Perot?"


But my new anti-establishment blogging buddy is more like Huey Long on steroids.


Holy Cow, I thought to myself! Potts moves his arms more at the podium than Democratic Party attorney-general candidate Creigh Deeds on a slow, hot day in Bath County speaking to the local Farm Bureau surrounded by SUV-sized horseflies.


At the Glen Maury Park Pavilion, those partisan Democrats seemed to loved Potts' unabashed style and unashamed endorsement of the largest tax increase in Virginia's history. That's gutsy. I admire him for being honest, but I'm anti-tax. That's not kosher with me.


Recently, Virginia Educrats and VEA friends have told the Blue Dog, "we're voting for Russ Potts."


It's a word-of-mouth campaign between educators, because the VEA did not include Potts in the September issue of The VEA News, which included interview campaign comparisons with the Kaine and Kilgore.


A retired Virginia teacher told the Blue Dog, "The VEA only represents the liberal interests of the Democratic Party of Virginia and not the political views of mainstream teachers in the state."


"Russ Potts is a friend of teachers and the Virginia educational system."


Pro-choice, pro-education, pro-gay and pro-tax - that Buena Vista pro-Kaine crowd went wild with delight until they realized Potts was not the Democratic candidate.


Telling, very telling indeed.


With Potts' pledge to blog with the Blue Dog, I believe the leap of faith question is ... When does Democrat Tim Kaine come onboard the Blue Dog blog? The clock is ticking, buddy.


Just imagine, the Republican gubernatorial candidate, Jerry Kilgore, and the independent candidate, Russ Potts, a lifelong Republican, are both blogging with a Blue Dog Democrat. The Blue Dog has Kilgore's staff on speed dial.


How ironic. When Kaine will not even answer simple requests for interviews with a Democrat columnist, who ran for the Virginia Senate in 2003 - and I might add, received Kaine's endorsement for his anti-tax candidacy?


Is this the same Tim Kaine who may or may not have had a brief career with the A.C.L.U.? You know, those guys and gals who protect civil liberties, such as free speech and freedom of the press. Come on, I'm feeling like a political prisoner. 'Nuff said.


Merit badges in heaven: Kaine's speech was consistent with his campaign's faith-based theme. He said nothing of interest and, frankly, I'm really disappointed with the "loaves of bread in the basket" remark. That was insensitive and not thought through from the beginning to end by the youthful campaign staff.


From counting previous hurricanes in Honduras to the number of submachine guns on the Latin American streets, it's not Virginia 2005. That was then, this is now.


About public piety - Kaine has done nothing but play the religious card since day one of his campaign. The faith-based campaign has been simply disappointing to say the least. I expected more. Kaine's missionary work in Honduras is a really good thing. It's merit badges for heaven, not resume fodder for the governor's office.


His flip-flopping stands on abortion as well as gay marriage are disheartening and disturbing to his core constituents.


Come on, Tim! Say something - and make a difference.


On the other hand, Jerry Kilgore was not much better. His corny jokes made the Blue Dog crack a smile and were reminiscent of Sen. George Allen's rhetoric. But those partisan jokes probably would have been more effective had they been reserved for the Buena Vista Republican lunch crowd.


Corn dog, please! Hold the mustard, because we all know you're the only fiscal conservative, who is anti-tax, supports gun rights, limited government and is against the death penalty.


Tell me something I didn't know.


Blogging for Votes: The Blue Dog blog special guest session with Jerry Kilgore was the buzz of the Buena Vista parade. Democrats, Republicans and independents commented to the Dog about the first-time event on the 'Net.


That blog session was a blast - e-mailing back and forth, with two phones ringing while blog posting commentary.


Matter of fact, Mr. Kilgore and myself were on the speakerphone and PCs blogging away. He did a good job with the answers considering the time allotted. 

Our liberal Dog Pound members grilled him for answers to tough questions.


He's fast at the keyboard and talkative. He joked during the one-hour session, and I really felt at ease with the session. Jerry Kilgore is a very honest and genuine individual. I sincerely appreciated the opportunity to blog with him.


-- September 19, 2005











Steven Sisson is a fiscally conservative, Mountain-Valley Democrat, party activist, columnist and serious amateur genealogist. His work is published in the Augusta Free Press  

His e-mail address is:


Read his profile and back columns here.