Guest Column

Blue Dog Tales


Our Hidden Burden

Wonder why the cost of government is going up so fast? One possibility is the influx of illegal immigrants who require social and healthcare services but do not pay into the system.


Illegal-immigration economics should be a huge concern to all Americans, but it's not.


The Blue Dog's congressional source, Dry Throat, said, "Calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a burglar an uninvited house guest. ...

Illegal aliens are benefiting from Americans by stealing from them."


Is there economic threat concerning illegal immigration? Of course there is.


Don't believe the liberal and conservative nay sayers who say the illegal aliens pay into the tax base and provide workers for menial, low-wage jobs. Virginia developers who are building cookie-cutter subdivisions throughout the Shenandoah Valley have used the same argument for future tax bases because they are supplying residents.


One question - can you tell me when a local developer ever paid for a new school? It's the county citizens who pay more and more taxes for the infrastructure to support that very sprawl.


The Blue Dog says that practice is nothing more than developer welfare.


It's the hidden costs that are hurting us with the illegals. It's the government handouts, the free education, the free health care, the uninsured motorist cost being passed on, and more.


The Blue Dog says that's nothing more than a crime against the law-abiding citizens of the Commonwealth.


Another source, the  Atomic Dog referred to the "the middle tier" of immigrants, those that "Corporate America wants to see increase, in order to promulgate what Dennis Kucinich referred to during last year's campaign as 'cheap labor.' This is the behavior that members of the India Caucus on both sides of the aisle in Congress, from Clinton to Cornyn, are committed to supporting! To say nothing of its more evil twin, the expatriation of jobs, which has similar net effects but is much harder to regulate."


But is there a cost, Mr. Atomic Dog?


"Well, like I said before, the documentation is a side issue. The cost issues of immigration break down into educating immigrants and their children, providing indigent health-care and providing social services," wrote the Atomic Dog.


He went on to explain, "Now assessing those three needs by tiers, it becomes obvious that the top two tiers have little or no need of the latter two services, and probably pay enough taxes (or at least, certainly could pay enough taxes) to support the first. So the real question is how to pay for all three services for bottom-tier immigrants."


The late congresswoman and loyal Texas Democrat, Barbara Jordan, said, "It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest."


Last week, Dry Throat wrote to the Blue Dog, "I listened recently to Pat Choate at lunch (in Northern Virginia) talking about how America's undocumented are pirating intellectual property and promoting further terrorism through their financial terrorism. Undocumented aliens are representing Latino organizations in cities all around the country, and these aliens are, in fact, giving money to these communities through these organizations, even though the head of these groups are undocumented and come and go out of Mexico with their piracy and counterfeit currency."


America, do you smell the coffee yet? It's been brewing for a long time.


The Washington Post reported that the Center for Immigration Studies estimates there are 175,000 undocumented workers in the state, "roughly a tripling of that population since 1996," but I say it's twice that number ... maybe three times the amount.


But according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the state population is 7,459,827 (estimated), and the illegal resident population is 100,000. Virginia's foreign-born population is roughly 679,500, or 9.2 percent of residents. Immigration-control advocates say immigrants embody 29 percent of the 891,000 new residents that settled in Virginia over the past 10 years.


In 2025, the projected population for Virginia is 8,466,000.


In 2001, then-state senator Leslie Byrne told The Washington Post, "People live in a great neighborhood, and the next day, 14 unrelated people move in, with inadequate bathroom facilities."


In Northern Virginia's Fairfax County, 25 percent of the total county population is foreign-born.


Of course, nobody wants to politically offend any ethic group in the upcoming election.


The Blue Dog had to pull some political teeth for responses to a recent questionnaire for this column. There's no doubt in my mind that immigrant-rights advocacy organizations and the politically correct will protest the Blue Dog's latest common sense-based publication


It's a hornet's nest. And the Blue Dog doesn't like bee stings, either.


But it's more than obvious both political parties are pandering to future minority votes.


And yet, despite the efforts of multiculturalism and pompous liberal whatnots of America, multiple illegal-immigration bills have been brought up for consideration in the Virginia legislature in the most recent and other past sessions, such as:


- Requiring foreign nationals to prove they are in the United States legally before obtaining a driver's license. 


- Barring the undocumented from attending Virginia's public universities.


- Depriving illegal workers of workers' compensation, welfare benefits and government health-care benefits such as Medicaid.


Concerning worker's comp and paid-in benefits through payroll taxes, the She-Devil Dog told the Blue Dog, "Nationally, it is estimated that there are 1.3 million unauthorized workers employed in manufacturing. There is currently $421 billion in the earnings-suspense file at the Social Security Administration; taxes paid and not matched to a particular employee SSN."


"Much of this comes from immigrant workers who pay into the system but don’t get benefits."


But illegal immigrants' access to workers' compensation directly affects Virginia wage earners.


In 1999, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled illegal immigrants were not entitled to workers' compensation. The very next year, your elected members to the General Assembly passed legislation granting them medical and wage benefits.


Why the political switch-a-roo shell game with those benefits?


Hmm ... I venture to say potential and future voters are a political benefit to Dems and 'Pubs.


This past session, Del. Kathy J. Byron R-Lynchburg, who patroned the elimination of worker's compensation benefits to illegal immigrants, told The Washington Post, "They are coming into the country illegally. They are being hired illegally. They are producing the documents illegally . . . "


"Why are we allowing all this illegal activity to take place as lawmakers?"


While her ex-GOP counterpart in the Senate, Russell H. Potts, told the Post, "I haven't had one call from any constituents about this being a problem."


"Where are these so-called victims?"


Oh, Russ! Please don't tell me you're on the wrong side of this issue as well.


Blue Dog clarification of the Potts-speak: First, try using a hearing aid. Second, we, the taxpayers of Virginia, are the victims of your committee and Senate votes along with your past legislation.


For the record, illegal-immigrant advocates are hostile to the words illegal alien and prefer the words undocumented workers. I've been advised the word alien is demeaning.


But the undocumented advocates' cloaked agenda is clear to the Blue Dog because the political-correctness police only want to justify the presences of the illegal immigrants in our workforce.


The opposition is using silence as a political tool so that there's nothing mentioned about breaking the law, nothing mentioned about people being here illegally, and nothing mentioned about honest taxpaying citizens who are totally fed up with the entire process.


It's a political shell game with those PC words.


-- April 25, 2005












Steven Sisson is a fiscally conservative, Mountain-Valley Democrat, party activist, columnist and serious amateur genealogist. His work is published in the August Free Press  

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