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Will Vehrs



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Conspiracy theorists unite! The Bacon’s Rebellion blog became ground zero for double-dealing, backstabbing tales of Republican political intrigue. Rebellion wonks took the best seats on the grassy knoll in the run-up to Russ Potts’ independent bid for governor and provided vivid insider speculation.


Phil Rodokanakis’ A Backroom Deal? got things started, charging that Jerry Kilgore refused to sign a no-tax pledge because he had come to an agreement with pro-tax GOP legislators. Was Kilgore playing it smart, or was he being set up as a patsy?


When Jim Bacon innocently posted on the Kilgore campaign spin on Potts’ candidacy, the “Blue Dog,” Steven Sisson, could not hold back. His source, “Red Dog,” had information “that pro-tax Republicans have brokered another political deal with the Governor to split the GOP vote this election so choirboy Tim Kaine can win.”


Phil revealed that rumor had the Kaine-Potts deal sealed long ago. Potts, hurting for money and on the verge of retirement, would run as an independent, stealing the election for Kaine. Kaine would reward him with a cushy six-figure job in his administration, bolstering Potts’ pension.


So, was that the conspiracy? Pro-taxers dealing with the Governor and Potts conniving with Kaine for a fistful of silver? Or was it even more sinister—was a Kilgore confidante involved? Phil shared an email anti-tax Republican operative Paul Jost sent to Ken Hutcheson, Kilgore’s campaign manager—the same “Kenny” who had taken fees from pro-tax Republicans like … Russ Potts! Phil stirred the pot even further, asking, “What kind of hold does "Kenny" have over Kilgore?”


These Byzantine machinations may be enough to bring the Reluctant One, Pat McSweeney, into the blog fold.


When they weren’t sneaking through Republican corridors, the Wonks found time to ponder Jim’s question, is Virginia becoming more culturally conservative? Mattaponi , Ray Hyde, Paul, and Scott all contributed strong comments.


In the same vein, Will Vehrs noted national commentary on bible study in Staunton. Bob Griendling and the “Blue Dog” battled in the comments, while Jim did the almost unthinkable: changed his mind during the course of the discussion.


The mother of all point-counterpoints in the short history of this blog (length-wise at least), was this epic series of comments among EM Risse and Ray Hyde over Risse’s post, The Mother of All Dysfunction. They might still be drafting new comments.

-- February 28
, 2005















Will Vehrs grew up in Prince William County. He has a degree in American history from the College of William and Mary and an MBA from Chapman University. Will's experience includes a stint with a Fortune 500 company and economic development work in state government. His "Punditwatch" column appears on and Jewish World Review, as well as on his own Punditwatch website. He also writes for the Quasipundit political site.



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