Best of the Blog

Will Vehrs



Best of Blog


So many posts, so many comments—they’re blogwonks now, challenging each other with strong opinions and pungent observations. More and more readers are getting into the act, too, keeping them honest. If the General Assembly is reading, ears are ringing!


Droopy Drawers, Pointed Comments


The shameless and outright attack on the free expression of the skateboard and rapper community has finally ceased, but the legislation was flawed from the beginning because "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." [Oscar Wilde]  --Steven Sisson


I certainly hope that the blow-up doll Howell is squiring isn't wearing low cut pants that may expose her underwear--otherwise, she might be subject to a $50 fine!  --Phil Rodokanakis


I see a direct analogy between the underwear bill and the smoking bill. One is conservative nannyism, the other is liberal nannyism. It's time for government to BUTT out. (Bulls eye! A double pun!)  --Jim Bacon


Phil on Fire


Isn't anyone outraged at the prospect of the Tolls doubling and the toll revenues being diverted for Rail to Dulles--a project that we may never see completed due to its astronomical costs and other inefficiencies?


It's simply inconceivable that a State Government that has no independent audit and investigative oversight can get an A grade for good management.


Is the GOP in Virginia really trying to build new highways on the backs of the poor?


Barnie & Will, Part I


Barnie: There is no such thing as government efficiency! There can't be, almost by definition. It's an oxymoron--by design! Same with all of the hooey you hear about running the government 'like a business.' Sounds good to some people, I suppose--not to me. I know it's a crock—


Will: I can't believe you believe all that or would countenance waste and inefficiency if you saw it . . . If you wonder why so many conservatives disdain government, you provide the answer.


Radical Notions


If deprived of revenue from one source, local governments will just raise it from another source. Push in the balloon here, and it pooches out there. Until state/local government gets serious about wringing out unnecessary costs, pressure on taxpayers will continue to escalate in one form or another.  –Jim Bacon


Top to bottom, our system of taxation no longer fits our economy. We are a service economy, yet we don't tax services. Local governments don't tax earnings, but fixed assets--land, houses, vehicles, etc.--a model that is at least 75 years out of date.  Barnie Day


The primary problem with “state government” is that the “state” is no longer a relevant level of government in a 21st century democracy with a market economy.

We all need to get our arms around the reality of Fundamental Change.  –E.M. Risse


In A Word ….


Will:  Can this General Assembly be saved?


E. M.Risse:  No.


Barnie & Will, Part II


Will: I love science, but I just don't believe that we can accurately isolate, among all the variables, how many deaths are "caused" by a coal-fired plant.

Say that coal-fired plants without the latest technology contribute to the premature death of people who are at-risk. Just don't say that the plants "cause" 1,000 deaths.


Barnie: Good morning, Will. I feel so much better now, knowing that these power plants will only contribute to my death prematurely, rather than actually cause it. Isn't life swell?


Outrage of the Week


Oh, that's sweet -- the METRO giving company cars to employees as a perk!


Hey, guys, how about this? Try giving FREE METRO PASSES as a perk, ya damn dummies!  --Jim Bacon


Did Garp Blog?


Blue Dog slogan of the day, "In the world according to Garp, we are all terminal cases."


--February 14, 2005



















Will Vehrs grew up in Prince William County. He has a degree in American history from the College of William and Mary and an MBA from Chapman University. Will's experience includes a stint with a Fortune 500 company and economic development work in state government. His "Punditwatch" column appears on and Jewish World Review, as well as on his own Punditwatch website. He also writes for the Quasipundit political site.