Best of the Blog

Will Vehrs



In the debut week of Bacon's Rebellion-The Blog, Bacon’s Rebellion wonks took to blogging like government takes to spending. The car tax took top honors for most impassioned debate, but of course the wonks took it new levels, linking it to transportation policy and sprawl. Readers began entering the fray, with Chris Brancato confessing to addiction after only two comments.  Let’s roll the highlight reel:


Jim Bacon


The people we should worry about aren't adolescent cadets with a lousy sense of humor. It's the scolds--the true heirs of the totalitarian Nazis--who would convert expressions of undesirable thought into punishable offenses.


MIT and Stanford didn't become R&D powerhouses through state support--they built partnerships with local industry. Northern Virginia is one of the wealthiest regions in the country. It's time for NoVa's business leadership to stop bellyaching--and to belly up to the bar!


Abandoning all philosophical principle, it appears, Virginia's Republican Party has simply embraced the agenda of auto-dependent exurbanites.


Barnie Day


In Virginia, if the top of the ticket is strong enough, a turnip can get elected down-ticket.


This proposal is so lame, I'm surprised Howell, Callahan, and company all didn't show up on crutches.

Guns in day care centers! What's next? Nursing homes? Every day Virginia Republicans remind us why it took them 130 years to win a majority.


We will NEVER maintain and continuously upgrade a system of this scope with found waste, blue ribbon studies, or new patterns of human settlement! It takes MONEY! Lots and lots of MONEY! Continuous, never ending MONEY!


I'm talking about the hard, glassy-eyed right. They passed 'conservative' a hundred miles back, ran out gas fifty miles back, abandoned the car, kept going when the road ended, and are now walking, transfixed, in a straight line, to a distant mountain top, where the spaceship will pick them up.

Ed Risse


Vivian [ Watts ] is a long-time friend. She is smart … She has been a … member of the General Assembly, Secretary of Transportation and now is again in the General Assembly … she does not have a clue.


Stop talking "politics" and discuss the merits and the long-term impact of taxes on citizens, the economy and the environment, not on those obsessed with maintaining the Two Party Dictatorship.


Phil Rodokanakis


I’m given to understand that George Fitch plans to kick off his campaign [for Governor] on February 8, 2004. Given his economic track record on cutting spending—and taxes—in Warrenton, his candidacy should rejuvenate the dialog as to the direction our Government has taken given the recent double-digit spending increases in the State budget.


Don’t get me wrong. I don’t smoke, so banning all smoking from public places is OK in my book. But the libertarian side in me says that government has no place dictating to private businesses how they should run their enterprises. Restaurateurs should be allowed to make a decision on banning smoking solely on economic and market-based factors.


Steven Sisson


If not bordering on the political ridorkulous (ridiculously dorky), it's just plain ludicrous to believe business owners would agree to a capital investment with strings attached to the businesses’ health and longevity.


Will Vehrs


The combination of car tax, revenue surplus, and massive increase in local property assessments in Fairfax County could be used by skillful political operatives as a powerful issue.


Despite all our wishes to the contrary, it'll be a long time before a car is not a necessity to earn a living in Virginia. I always thought "No Car Tax" was a populist measure, but it has lost its populism.

--January 31, 2005

















Will Vehrs grew up in Prince William County. He has a degree in American history from the College of William and Mary and an MBA from Chapman University. Will's experience includes a stint with a Fortune 500 company and economic development work in state government. His "Punditwatch" column appears on and Jewish World Review, as well as on his own Punditwatch website. He also writes for the Quasipundit political site.



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