No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



Cool Head Luke


Act IV


This episode:  The Club-Footed Duck




Cool Head Luke, a dashing young governor

The Hoarse Whisperer, a Cool Head confidant

Elle Quibble, Cool Head’s press secretary

Shirley Y-Sparrow, former transportation secretary

And Debuting:


Press-On Bryant, a good man

Historic Southern Governor in his new role as "The

    Mad Mayor"

Goldilocks, the Mad Mayor’s side-kick

The Richmond Symphony

The Dyslexic Policy Adviser

And In A Return Engagement:


The Deer-in-the-Headleightys, Cool Head’s crooners


The Opening Scene:


Lights fade up. The Deer-in-the-Headleightys croon a line from the Animals tune: “We got to get out of this place, if it’s the last thing we ever do.”


Cool Head stands at the open window of his high, third floor office. There is gothic ambiance. It is a cool, gray January day. Clouds pass by overhead.  Cool Head looks remorsefully down at the limp corpse of Press-On Bryant, a good man, who is hanging now by his neck, alone and forlorn, from the scaffolding that surrounds the capitol. Cool Head knows in his heart that Press-On has made his legacy possible. He wonders why some of the senior guys didn’t swing. Why not Callahan? Parrish? He wonders why Republicans eat their young, then reflects: So do some grades of spiders. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.


Sound effects: Knock, knock, knock.


Cool Head: “Come in.”


Elle Quibble enters. Cool Head notices that everyone in the outer office is wearing snappy, British-looking safari outfits, complete with shooting jackets and bush hats folded up on one side. Some have binoculars around their necks. Others carry good luggage, expensive stuff from Abercrombie and Fitch.


Cool Head: “What’s with the get-ups?”


Elle Quibble. “Game and Inland Fisheries sent them over, sir. They caught a sale somewhere down in Mozambique.”


Cool Head: “Where’s mine?”


Elle Quibble: “You can’t have one of those, sir.  You’ve got to put on the club-footed duck outfit.  Tradition, you know.”


Cool Head grimaces. The Hoarse Whisperer and the Dyslexic Policy Adviser follow Elle Quibble into the inner office.


Cool Head: “Okay, guys. What have we got today?”


Elle Quibble: “Well, sir, you have a cabinet meeting this morning and the General Assembly is back.” She hands Cool Head a copy of the morning paper. “And Richmond has a new mayor.”


Cool Head recognizes the man in the photo. His stomach turns cold. A chill zips ups his back. He looks up at Elle Quibble.


Cool Head: “What’s his deal?”


Elle Quibble: “He’s just mad, sir. Mad yesterday. Mad today. Mad forever.”


Cool Head nods. “That figures. Who’s that with him?” He points to the Alfred E. Newman look-alike, pictured with the Mad Mayor.


Elle Quibble: “That’s Goldilocks, the Mad Mayor’s side-kick. The brains of the operation.”


Cool Head addresses the Hoarse Whisperer.


Cool Head: “What’s the House of Delegates’ gig this time?”


The Hoarse Whisperer, hoarsely: “Marriages, sir.  Sanctity of marriage.”


Cool Head: “Marriage? Sanctity? What could 100 delegates with maybe 300 marriages among them possibly know about the sanctity of anything?”


The Hoarse Whisperer: “Good question, chief. We’ll put that one on the SOLs and see if we can come up with an answer.”


Cool Head turns to the Dyslexic Policy Adviser: “What else?”


The Dyslexic Policy Adviser, smartly, officiously:  “Snug and Dog!”


Cool Head, puzzled, bewildered: “Snug and Dog?”


The Hoarse Whisperer leans to him and whispers, hoarsely: “Guns and God.”


Cool Head nods and turns his attention back to Elle Quibble.


Cool Head: “What about new revenue?”


Elle Quibble: “Flush tax, sir.”


Cool Head: “Flush tax?”


Elle Quibble:  “Yessir. Flush tax. Everybody around here is so full of s….Well, you get the picture sir. If we can just tax the flushes, we’ll soon run a surplus.”  She pauses. “But there is bad news , sir. Some of the leading thinkers want a six, or even eight, year term for the governor’s office.”


Cool Head: “They must be smoking crack.” Three years seems like thirty, he thinks.” He is irritable, contemplating the day. “Okay, let’s get this over with. The cabinet first.”


Cool Head opens the door into his cabinet meeting room and though all of his cabinet members are present, they’re all busy putting on parachutes and don’t even look up. Cool Head shuts the door without interrupting them and dismisses Elle Quibble, the Hoarse Whisperer, and the Dyslexic Policy Adviser.  Cool Head is alone again. He is in a funk. At that moment, Shirley Y-Sparrow flutters to the windowsill. 


Shirley Y-Sparrow: “Thweet. Thweet.”


Cool Head smiles and addresses her apologetically.


Cool Head: “You were right. We haven’t built a foot of road since you left.”


Shirley Y-Sparrow flutters away.


Cool Head’s despondency deepens. He sits, contemplating the club-footed duck outfit he’s destined to wear before this day is out. But just as he hits bottom emotionally, a soaring rendition of the Richmond Symphony’s "Hail to the Chief" reaches his ears from the yard below. He brightens! He perks up! Can it be?  Finally? Yes! "The nation summons me!" he thinks. But at that heart-pounding instant, there is, again, an ominous knock at the door and Cool Head freezes, heart in his throat, temples pounding.


Sound effects: Knock, knock, knock.


Elle Quibble rushes in. She’s concealing something behind her back. 


Elle Quibble: “The Mad Mayor’s downstairs! He’s wearing a 40 foot ermine cape and he’s banging on the door!”


Cool Head: “What’s he want?”


Elle Quibble: “He’s demanding that he be allowed to make the General Assembly’s committee appointments!”


Cool Head: “Well give them to him! That’s the only way to deal with this guy! Say, did you hear that music playing for me?”


Elle Quibble: “Sorry boss. They’re playing for him.  That’s the Mad Mayor’s symphony now. Part of the advance team. They brass him in and out, everywhere he goes.”


Their eyes lock. The lights fade slowly. The Deer-in-the-Headleightys begin a soft croon: “We got to get out of this place…” Elle Quibble reveals the garment she has concealed behind her back, but Cool Head refuses to look at it. He knows it is the thing he abhors most…the dreaded club-footed duck outfit.


The lights go black.


The End


-- January 31, 2005













Contact Information


Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA

