Rebel With a Cause

Paul Goldman


Bill Howell and Morgan Griffith

Try to Shake Down Republicans

for $1,000,000


In one of the most brazen strong-arm political tactics ever seen in VA, House Speaker Bill Howell, House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith and their allies in the House Republican leadership are demanding that the GOP members of the House of Delegates raise them $1 million dollars -- presumably by shaking down the lobbyists and the High Tax lobby -- for Howell's PAC.


I am possession - it was not given to me by any member of the General Assembly - of the December 31, 2003 memo written by the House of Delegate Republican leadership detailing this extraordinary political shake-down, nothing like it in the history of VA politics, something that even Harry Byrd and the Byrd Organization never tried -- and as we know, there wasn't much they wouldn't do.


They call it a "Mandatory Assessment Program" and here is what the memo says: "With everyone's full participation, this program will generate over $1.0 million for Republican incumbents and challengers in the 2005 campaigns for the Virginia House of Delegates. This Mandatory Assessment Program is effective January 1, 2004 ".


Mandatory Assessment Program?


The program envisioned by the Speaker is that every GOP delegate is required to give to the Speaker's PAC a certain mandated amount of money, the political tax assessment being:

Leadership: $40,000

Committee Chairs: $30,000


Members who've served more than 8 years: $20,000


Members who've served between 2 and 8 years: $10,000


Members who've served less than 2 years: $5,000

Howell is treating legislative chairmanships the way Boss Tweed treated patronage positions.


Now, to be fair to Mr. Howell, he has taken the "fairness" concept from Gov. Mark Warner, and tried to create a fairer political tax code for House GOP members, assigning them different levels of required tribute depending upon their presumed access to political wealth.


No doubt this will come as a surprise to many, who have heard Speaker Howell and Majority Leader Griffith say that progressive taxation is wrong.


But now in power, they have arrived at a high wisdom, and presumably, will now be supporting Governor Warner's proposal to create a new income tax bracket for those who are best able to give money to GOP delegates who in turn will give that money to Speaker Howell.


As we know, you are suppose to render unto Caesar what is his and render unto God what is God's.


Last I checked, God wasn't asking for 30K from his committee chairs, at least not since Martin Luther complained about such things roughly 500 years ago.


What Does this Tell about the New Republican House Leadership?


First, they are pikers, only demanding a measly $1,000,000. Even Judy Ford, head of the new group trying to buy a general tax increase out of the General Assembly, demanded a $2 million slush of unreported money before taking the job. AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A VOTE on the House floor.


Second, they are totally out of touch with their own delegation. The memo is not just insulting to the intelligence of GOP delegates, but it was clearly hatched in secret by a few leaders, who assumed GOP delegates were like sheep.


Finally, it shows a tone-deaf politics on the part of the GOP leadership, which should encourage all us Democrats as we get ready for the 2004 GA Session. 

-- January 6, 2004


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Paul Goldman, the Rebel With a Cause, was chief political strategist for the past two winning Democratic governors in Virginia and was credited with leading a "revolution in American politics" by The New York Times for his role in breaking America's 300-year-old color barrier in national politics.


You can reach him at